Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blog Assignment Six

The five stages of team development forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning each of these stages provides team with a sense of direction. The stages help with the performance of how well a group performs.  As I reflect on the stages of team development the most difficult stage is that of adjourning.  In the adjourning stage you are taken the final steps in meeting the team goals.  Reflecting on the groups in which I have been involved in I would say the hardest group that was for me to leave was my high school graduating class. I say this is the group because this group was the group that I went through from the beginning of my school journey to the end.  Participating in the class graduation was the ritual that I experienced and enjoyed at the time.  I imagine that I will adjourn from this group of colleagues in a different manor for some of my colleagues will actually participate in the graduation ceremony where at this particular moment I will not be participating in the ceremony. The stage of adjourning plays a major role in the stage of teamwork because of the bond that is built between each of the team member.


  1. I will not be attending my graduation either because it is to far and I do not have the money to travel right now. Adjourning plays a very important role in teamwork.

  2. The last attending of a high school graduation is very important. This is the hardest group to leave. But the best thing is coming back together again with many different stories and lesson learned. Adjouring from a group is hard even if the group was a group you did not like working with. There are some member in the group you can always talk to and member that you can love see leave.

  3. Shelia,

    I wanted to thank you for all insight and support. It was great working with you in this course. I wish you the best of luck on your continued journey. It was a pleasure getting to know you.

